Introduction – Spacetime UX

Week 0 – May 5

Hello and welcome!

This is meant to be a quick overview about how I’ve set things up for this class. This course is one of many firsts for me: using SFU’s Canvas tool, trying a flipped class, distributing our readings/class materials in advance, and maintaining this site to document our journey. So I anticipate there will probably be some hurdles and learning for me along the way. Please be patient! 🙂

How this class is structured

I’ve organized each class to revolve around one central question. Here’s a bit more about that:

Together we’ll explore these questions:

  • What is design?
  • How can you learn from people?
  • How can you facilitate finding?
  • How does space work?
  • How can you prototype quickly?
  • How do our bodies move through space?
  • What creates desirability?
  • What is play?
  • Why do stories matter?
  • How do you pitch something that doesn’t exist?
  • What did we do?

How this class is organized

On this site you will find:

  • Lecture materials (slides, videos of lectures)
  • A quick overview of the assignment
  • Photos, videos and other documentation from class

And SFU’s Canvas is where you will find all class administration such as:

  • Course Syllabus
  • Class calendar
  • Reading excerpts
  • All the details for your assignments
  • Discussion boards
  • The place for you to submit your assignments

This Week’s Assignment:

Remember you will always find the complete details of the assignment on Canvas. This is only a summary.

Part 1: What is design?

To kick things off we’re going to dive into a few perspectives on design. We will be looking at and discussing the following excerpts:

John Dewey: Having An Experience

Herbert Simon: The Sciences of the Artificial; Rational Choice and Structure of the Environment

Don Norman: Affordance, Conventions and Design

Dieter Rams: 10 principles

Bruno Munari: Design as Art

Part 2: Review class syllabus and policies

Please be sure to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the syllabus including policies on attendance, participation, and grading.

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